Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Fun and Family

Handsome little nephew!

AAUUHHRR...Stay away from my treasure!
Isn't there anything for a baby to eat around here?

Hot Wheels!


Here's pictures from Jon and Lisa's visit with us. Is that a mattress in the back ground? Why, yes, it is. Why is it standing in the living room, you ask? We bought a new mattress (finally) with our tax return, and the driveway is so icy that we can't even walk, let alone carry a king sized mattress out to a truck. So there it sits until spring, or at least until a thaw.
Anyway, we threw a pirate birthday party for Ian, who turned five. It was neat to celebrate with cousins. I made a pirate cake for him complete with Jack Sparrow and some treaure. The boys had inflatable swords, so I recorded them having a grand old time with those. There's also a pict of Ian watching Clifford while I was getting the older kids going on their schoolwork. And pictures of him getting in the sled at the top of the hill. Mikayla is holding Colin who is about five months old now, and there is one of his Papa holding him, too. Lanie is trying to hold him in another picture. He is a big, heavy baby. We had a great time, but their visit was way to short. We can only hope that they come back soon, or that we get to take a trip to see them.

Monday, February 25, 2008

First Time Sledding

My brother, Jon, came up for a visit and brought his family. They are from South Carolina, so his little boy is not used to doing things in the cold and snow. With borrowed snow clothes, we gave him a good dose of winter experiences. We went ice fishing, skating, and sledding. Here's my nephew, Ian, sledding for the first time. My kids had a great time showing him how and helping him, and he seemed to have a blast on the hill.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Another Birthday in the House

It's Nathanael's birthday today. We celebrated by having friends go with him and Papa to the arcade and Pizza Hut. I got left home because Mikayla has a dental appt. She's at a friend's house until then. We got Nate a bike for his gift and then stuck a few bucks in a card. We are hoping to go biking on the carriage trails in Acadia this summer. Last year we rented bikes. What an expense! Anyway, here's some picts of Nate on his birthday.
Happy Birthday, Nathanael! We love you sooooo much!