Thursday, September 30, 2010


Mikayla is coming home this weekend!!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010


So what's new? Well, we have had some new things going on in our family. Mikayla being away at school is the newest, and the adjustment on this end is...hard...and odd. I was asked if the household was different without her here. It's crazy different! And it takes some getting used to, believe me. I'm so used to having the kids right here, or at least I know right where they are and what they are doing and when they will be home. So what's different, you ask? It's quieter. Mikayla is a talker. The other two go off and play or whatever, and it's...quiet. Weird!!! There is less drama. She's also a teenager. haha. The bathroom is freer. hahaha! I find myself watching the clock to try and figure out what she might be doing, but the truth is, I never really know unless I have a chance to talk to her. When she calls, she usually opens with saying that she only has a few minutes to talk. *sniff* I am not running from pillar to post trying to get the kids to all their different activities. Lanie opted not to play soccer this year, and Lanie and Nate are sharing a piano lesson time. That only leaves Nathanael's public school classes, which are back to back, one soccer team, and one piano lesson. It's downright bizarre feeling. BUT, those strange feelings, plus missing her like crazy are the cons. I would give anything to have that school within a few miles of us!!! As a matter of fact, the first week of school I could not keep that thought out of my head. I found myself thinking, "it's just not fair that this school is so far away and that there where no other options for her." Silly, considering the way that the Lord provided. I had to talk to the Lord about it , and those talks usually ended with, "but I MISS HER!!!" But there are pros, too--- Lanie and Nate come downstairs in the morning, giggle through breakfast, sing through showers, do chores, and go get at their schoolwork. Lanie is learning to be more independent since she doesn't have a big sister here all the time telling her exactly what to do. I am able to really concentrate on Alana's remedial work, and it shows! I'm so glad that I had her do third grade again. Fourth grade is a breeze for her so far. YAY! I am able to spend time just listening to Nate. He has the most fertile imagination I have ever encountered. He is loving his computer class that he is taking this year. Mikayla is taking Dublin by storm, landing the lead in the upcoming play, and auditioning for the ministry team and making it, loving the social side of being in school, as well as learning what real studying is. She is able to be challenged and stretch her wings a bit, as well, all while the values that we worked so hard to instill at home are being reinforced and hopefully strengthened.
We have had some new things going on in Church as well. This year we started a Good News Club. VBS saw us with a whole new bunch of kids whose parents seemed to be searching for good things for their kids to do. We decided on the Thursday night of VBS that we could try an after school Bible club to reach these new families on a weekly basis. I went to the computer, fashioned invitations ,coming up with a time and a name for it off the top of my head, printed them out, and sent them home with the VBS kids Friday night. WOW! Although it sounds like we were going to be flying by the seat of our pants, we have run all sorts of Bible clubs before and figured that it would be best to do one with just the basic salvation and Bible stories, songs, and crafts. Usually when we start something like this, we see our own church kids come and then maybe a few of their friends in the following weeks. Our first Good News Club, sans new music, awards, and 'bells and whistles', we had twelve children only two of which were our own church kids. The second week we had twenty, all of whom left with an invitation to give to a friend. Isn't that awesome!! We still have new contacts from VBS to call on, too. The first night we did a lesson on the wordless book and then the children made their own. I was amazed at how engaged they were as we sang the very old wordless book song as they turned the pages in their very own books. The second week the lesson was on sin and salvation, along with a review of the wordless book. We made key chains with ABC beads reminding them that one must admit that they are sinners, believe in Jesus, and confess. All the old Child Evangelism Fellowship songs are being sung lustily. It's funny how sometimes simpler is better, and old is new and wonderful again.
We now have a mini orchestra in our church that plays during congregational singing in our Morning Worship Service. We are blessed every week by this and it adds so much to our singing. This family is thinking about joining our church, too. That's new!
I need new curtains in the dining room. Why, what's wrong with the ones you have?? Well, I decided to wash them and they were so old that they literally came apart in the wash. Ok, then, I guess it's time for new curtains. Anything would be better than the sheet that hangs there now. :)