Tuesday, February 2, 2010


It has always amazed me how God supplies what we need when we need it. I had a really tough couple of weeks. When I said goodbye to 2009, I stuck my tongue out at it. I said good riddance 2009! 2009 stunk! So, anyway, I also said 2010 has to be better, right? Of course, January has never been easy in Maine for anyone. The cold and darkness gets to people. And I figured that since we had been through so much last year that we would maybe be hardened to stuff happening. Hmmmm... I thought that losing a friend at church couldn't be as bad as last years losses. One friend in Heaven and the other just lost to me but still around. Then the loss of my biggest fan, my Dad. Well, another loss isn't quite as bad, but I am not hardened to it by any means! Losing people that you have invested time, effort, prayer, and love into( even if they leave in a good way) is very hard! If you have a Pastor's wife that has spent any time with you at all...go hug her! Seriously! It doesn't matter that you don't agree with her all the time. She may not say the right thing at the right time. BUT... She aches over you and your family. She prays for you. She loves you. She sees a bigger picture, and prays for the right things to say and the courage to say it. And she knows that she must continue to be faithful where God has put her and her husband. And so she wipes her tears, prays some more, clings to promises in Scripture, takes a deep breath, and goes on.
ANYWAY, you get the picture...I needed some help. My husband is awesome ,so I had that. We were bolstered by the ever faithful in our church. Praise God for that! And then I was invited to a ladies retreat. I didn't want to go. But I went, knowing that it would be fun to go with my friend Jocelyn anywhere.
We went a day early, Jocelyn having paid a little extra for an extra night so we could just relax and enjoy the pool and the quiet. The next day more and more ladies trickled in. We swam, and hot tubbed to our hearts content. ( Hot tubbing in January outside is an adventure, by the way) That evening, the host Pastor's wife started things off with a devotional, and then we played games till the wee hours, laughing till our sides aches and the tears ran. We shared the responsibility of making the meals , talking, sharing, and laughing, and enjoyed two more speakers the next day. Both were so encouraging!!! So, I went home tired, but very refreshed, and amazed again at how God provides just what we need when we need it.
But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
I will look unto the hills from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord which made Heaven and Earth.
He that keepeth thee shall neither slumber, nor sleep.


  1. Hi Jen! I just caught up on your blog; I just now added it to my google reader account, so will be seeing it as it's updated, but since I'd missed out on a few months, I did a little back-reading.

    Press on, my friend!

    I can relate to "having an outlet" through blogging . . . and perhaps you can encourage others in your openness too. Thanks so much for sharing.

    A big hug for you from us!

  2. Hooray!!! A comment!
    Sorry, I know it's silly, but I do wonder if anyone ever reads this. haha. Thanks Kim.
