Sunday, February 19, 2012

A Family Weekend

We spent this weekend all together in celebration of Feb. birthdays. Terry drove down to NH to get Mikayla. Nate rode along, and they attended Mikayla's last B-ball game of the season. Then they hurried back home, concerned about the roads freezing as there had been rain during the day. (Does anyone else find humor in the fact the my teeny girlie, at all of 5ft. nothing, played B-ball this season? I find it quite humorous.) Lanie and I had been busily baking and decorating cakes and cupcakes for the boys. On Saturday, we had Grandma up for pizza and cake, then headed to Bangor to try out the new indoor play area. All of the stuff is inflated, and although I thought my kids might be a bit big for it, they had a blast. I wanted to see if it would be a good place to bring a group of church kids. Today, was spent in church together. All three of my kids had a part in today's service. Then, Terry and Mikayla headed back to NH. I hate that her visit was so short, but it came down to seeing her now for a day or two, or waiting until April. None of us wanted to wait that long!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Whole Lot a Prayin'

Today, I have been pushing numbers around on a white sheet of paper. The columns of black ink taunt me. College sized numbers. In Ink. Very scary!  Very intimidating! Freshman year with possible grants, scholarships, and FAFSA deducted? Still very daunting.  OK, now subtract a possible 7 bucks an hour job for a few hours a day...oh, still so HIGH! The feeling of panic is about to overwhelm me.

This is why God gave us Alana. Why, you ask? Does she bring in some of the bacon at Upcott Manor? Well, not really. But she never ceases to amaze me. In she skips from the schoolroom having just aced another math lesson (a minor miracle), peers over my shoulder, and says, "Those are big numbers, Mama. You better start doin' a whole lot a prayin'!"  I turn to her, speechless, unable to come up with a reply before she dances away singing.

Now, I HAVE been praying. Believe me, there's been a "whole lot a prayin'" going on around here. We have big decisions to make in the next, few months. The numbers on my page only account for part of ONE of them.  But, it amazes me that my youngest always has the most profound way of getting things back down to the nitty, gritty. The simple, if you will.  This is all in God's hands anyway. He has a plan. Start praying, stop panicking.

Thank you, Lord, for my sweet, miracle girl! She is just what this family needs.