Thursday, September 5, 2013


Our time here in Lincoln has often been interesting, often difficult, often fun, but none of those things compare to how often we are blessed by God's goodness living in this place. We tend to notice the hardships and sacrifice and merely give a nod to the blessings. Even when Scripture clearly states that we are to "come into His presence with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise." We pray and plead and whine and complain with a quick "thank you for your many blessings."
 So, to break this habit in our family, we began our Blessings and Miracles List. You know the hymn...Count your blessings, name them one by one. We decided to do this during a particular time  when we needed patience and trust in our Heavenly Father's plan. We started out with tears over a certain disappointment and ended with laughter and praise with a different sort of tears.
Here's a few on our list.
We started with older miracles, such as, Alana's birth and subsequent time in the NICU. You can read about that here, if you're interested.
We progressed to losing some friends and a very difficult time thereafter when God gave us comfort and peace. We  moved on from there to my Mom's health and how God provided strength for all of us during her treatments and how He allowed the treatments to take affect and help her get better. From there, we got more up to date.

Amazing provision during a time of joblessness for Mikayla's high schooling and Nate's and Alana's school books.

Amazing open doors for scholarships, both for her high school and for her college.

Amazingly, we forgot about some funds that we had through BJU Press and they were made available for Mikayla so she could start her Freshman year of college on time.

Amazing provision during a recent stint of joblessness. It was just constant. A steady stream of people whose hearts the Lord touched and used to provide for us. Whether just a word, a card, or a few staples for our pantry, the Lord used it all to bless our bodies and souls.

 Amazing peace over our future, because without a job, we would have to relocate.

An amazing growth spurt in our family, not just physically for which He provided clothing, but spiritually as we were forced to rest and wait on Him again. Our whole family was touched in one way or another during this time, and learning to rest in Him is one of the most difficult lessons.

An amazing vacation was provided for our 'weary in well doing' spirits by our loving family and a few others that slipped us bills on their way out the door with whispered words of appreciation and care. Ah, yes, that's what turned the emotion completely around!

Amazingly, even when the joblessness has ended, the provision has continued daily. Daily fresh vegetables from generous people's lovely gardens, so my grocery bill has been almost cut in half.

Amazing peace after praying that God would lift a burden and disappointment from my tired heart. Peace came, easing the disappointment and helping with the burden.

Amazing leading and strength to do VBS at our church this summer. We were tired. We were whiny. We didn't want to do it AGAIN. We complained that we  didn't see much fruit from the labor that is VBS. But, encouraged by older, wiser Christians, we pressed on, threw ourselves into it with all our might, praying everyday to let it be used of God, and falling dead tired into bed every night. What a blessing for our church family and ourselves to be able to lead ten children to Christ one evening after the lesson. It's like God was grinning at us and saying, "Not a fruitful endeavor, huh? Let me show you what happens when you serve me with all your might, mind, and spirit." With tears of repentance, I came to Him for forgiveness after that. What a lesson.

Amazing strength to start teaching a Junior in high school, when I had no particular trust in myself to be able to do it, and a downright panic attack as the start date loomed. I added all my other responsibilities on a big long list and steamed over it and ranted about it. Until....Oh, yes, I remember, "My help comes from the Lord which made Heaven and Earth." It's not me that's doing it, that is for sure and certain.

Amazingly, God has smoothed out some rough spots as Mikayla started her Sophomore year at college this week. She hadn't been able to find work after the place she was working closed unexpectedly. Because of this she had very little money for books, but all her books are purchased and her first tuition bill paid in full as of the today. Other spots that needed smoothing, God took care of, too. She was worried, we were praying. Spots are smoother. God is good. He works in our children's lives. She is learning and growing and maturing, too, as He teaches her patience and trust.  It's been fascinating to watch. In this, Mom and Dad have to learn to let go. God is at work and His way of teaching is much better than ours. His plan for her is perfect.

Oh, my, I could go on and on, but this is already long enough and you get the point. What did we learn/relearn from the exercise?  That God provides daily, often before we ask. He provides for every aspect of our lives, no matter how big or small. He give grace to the humble, strength to the weak, mercy to the sinful, and love and comfort when we are low in spirit. His mercies are new every morning. Praise His name!

Here's a favorite song for me lately. It touches my heart every time I hear it. May it bless your heart as well.

Mercies Anew.


  1. I am glad God is working Jen. And so glad that you and Terry - stretched as you were/are - have been a help and a guide to Sam. I am so glad you did the VBS. We never could have imagined that going there to the 'back woods of Maine' would be what it would take to help him open up to what God could do with him. Thank you for adding our lad to the blessings God is working through you.

    We will be praying for you. And I will pray for your particular needs, sometimes it is a bit more than wearing to fill our role of support and encouragement to all the ones it seems need us. Like you say, we need to remember He is the One who does the work.
    Lots of love!!

  2. Sandy, we love Sam! He has been so much fun to have here and a huge help to his grandparents. He came here with a willing attitude and just joined right in. I pray that he will grow in his spiritual walk while here and that we have been as much a blessing to him and he has been to us.

    1. Thanks for praying. You and Jim and your ministry are in our prayers as well.

  3. Love these reflections. Thanks for sharing them...your faith and faithfulness is inspiring!
