Saturday, May 31, 2008

Well, once again I have neglected to take the camera with us on several of our outings. We went on a very fun camping trip over Memorial Day weekend with some of our church family. The kids basically ran a muck all weekend and had a blast with all their friends that were there. We all ate to much. The YMCA was closed for several days for Memorial Day and so the kids missed one week of swimming lessons. We went to the pool yesterday for free swim and I was curious to see how Alana would do since she has been so fearful in the past. I got her a bubble to wear on her back, a kickboard, and a noodle and then just went and enjoyed the pool myself. My stategy being that I would not pressure her. Before long I noticed that she was kicking around with the noodle. Then she took off on the kickboard. After watching her "swim" across the width of the pool several times with the kickboard, I saw her quietly take off the bubble and try the kickboard without it. I was bursting to cheer loudly, but still kept my distance. In just a few minutes more she was yelling, "Hey, Mama, look what I can do!" YEAH, LANIE!!!! I told her how proud I was of her and she said, "I'm proud of me, too!" AND...not to be outdone by a four-year-old boy at the pool, she went under the water over and over. Quite a change from not even wanting to get in the water, and bruising her intructors arms while she clung to her and screamed. On the way home, Lanie asked that I not forget the camera at her next lesson because she wanted to show everyone that she really can swim now.
Terry has been working at Sears a lot, and has a funeral today. So, he is working up until funeral time and then getting off to do the funeral, then going back to work until seven. After work he will have to spend time preparing for Sunday.
Nate is finished with school, Lanie has two more days left, and Mikayla about five. Sooo... that's us in a nutshell, lately. I will try to get pictures of the kids in the pool on Monday, and get them up.

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