As I sit here typing, suitcases, boxes, bins, and bedding surrounds me, ready to be packed into the car for our trip south. Bob Jones University awaits. God has a plan to continue. I've been told not to cry. Even though I understand the embarrassment and angst of the person who asked this of me, it's almost laughable. My answer was, "Moms cry. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. Be prepared to see me cry before, during, and after this milestone. Because, after all, I cried during almost every other milestone in your life, like learning to walk, so of course I will cry during this much more momentous occasion." Before having children, I never would have thought that I would be such an emotional Mother. It's all good, though.
So, we've taught learning to walk and run. We've taught reading, riting, and 'rithmetic. We've taught life skills (although, I think I failed at teaching cooking. sigh.), We've taught independence. We've tried to teach faith, trust, and dependence on God. We've taught her to use her gifts in His service, and many other things too numerous to list. All of this while pleading with God to fill in the gaps left by our humanness. Yes, I know that I'm really not completely done teaching her. But this is a transition to adulthood. So now it's time to give flying lessons. She has had a few lessons in this, as you know. Out of the nest she goes. Praise God for His work in our family's lives! And please pray for Mikayla as she tries out her new wings.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
Sunday, August 5, 2012
The Posted Note
Here's how we knew that Mikayla had given it over to God. You can tell that my memory got a bit fuzzy. I'm glad that I went and found her actual note.
God knew what He was doing
by Mikayla Upcott on Thursday, May 17, 2012 at 3:32pm ·
1) God gave me a pastor for a dad so that there would be someone to get me back on track when I start throwing temper tantrums at God.
2) God gave me a teacher for a mom so that I would be pushed to learn.
3) God gave me a brother just 18 months younger than me so that I would have someone I could always count on to listen.
4) God gave me a sister five years younger that would show me what miracles are and make me learn to relate to younger kids.
5) God put my family in Lincoln, Maine, so that I would have a safe small town to grow up in.
6) God gave my dad the pastorate at a small church filled with older people so that I would have lots of grandparents and know how to relate to adults.
7) God had my parents homeschool me so I would get the best education I could have in Lincoln.
8) God made it possible for me to go to Dublin Christian Academy so that I could continue to have a good education, broaden my horizons, meet amazing people, and be part of some pretty amazing ministries.
9) God gave me awesome teachers.
10) God gave me friends to challenge me.
11) God gave me a best friend (Jess) who thinks on the same crazy brain wave I do. It's kinda sacry sometimes, lol!
These are all kinds of things God has done for me, and that's not even close to everything! So why don't I trust Him? Why am I having such a hard time submitting to His will?
It comes down to pride. I am proud of my well-thought-out plans, and I don't want anyone messing them up, even God. And that is the worst possible attitude I could have toward the One who saved me and holds me in the palm of His hand.
More Summer and The Sequel
Once Mikayla and Nate started working this summer, we were out straight, and I began to seriously reconsider our choice to wait on having our teenagers take Driver's Ed because I became a taxi driver. We had to fit in Mikayla's music lessons this summer, too, so that she could prepare for auditions at college. The audition thing surprised me, since I don't remember them requiring that before, but I guess things do change over a span of nineteen years. We were glad that her teacher could do it on Tuesdays before she headed up to camp. Then, she wanted to take CLEP exams to test out of certain freshman classes( Have I mentioned before that she is a driven kid, and that I can't figure out how I got a kid like her? Because this is so NOT me! or Terry!). We scheduled one for any Monday that they would take her, and she was successful in passing the English Composition test. Which means she won't have to take freshman English. BIG YAHOOOOO! She wanted to do the World History one, but we just could not get that scheduled. Besides the exams, we needed to get her in to have a complete physical, and a complete dental check. So, every Monday and Tuesday, we were running to appointments, tests, odd jobs with Nate,or music lessons, and teaching piano lessons. Then, she would go up to camp to nanny the rest of the week. Also, Terry has been trying to pick up extra hours at Sears, while I prepared for VBS.
Speaking of VBS...
Our old parachute is still alive and well and a huge favorite with the kids. They ask for it at every event we have for them. I think it's older than me. :)
The stage was decorated with old west things and an old mine.
This game was an interesting spin on an old favorite...Tag.
Well, howdy there, Cowboy.
Miner Mike helped us find a nugget from scripture every night.
It rained candy every time the penny offering went over a set amount.
This game was called Balloon Ring Toss.
The storytellers had the kids come up and help by acting out the stories.
We had lots of fun games.
Mom told an exciting, continuing story every night.
The week of VBS was tiring, but well worth the hard work as we were able to lead three children to Christ. That's why we do what we do. We are praying that we will have opportunities to reach the families of these kids, as well.
Which brings us to this week just beginning. I purposely left off planning anything this week. I knew I would be exhausted. So, tomorrow we are taking Mikayla to the Wild's of New England and on the way back, Terry and I plan to celebrate our nineteenth anniversary. I insisted that we get away this year, because last year I didn't get my yearly lobster. Unacceptable!! haha. The other two Upcotts will spend some time with Grandma out at Madagasgal Pond, where we will join them and where I will not be pried away from for the rest of the week. I plan on a main course of swimming, laying in the hammock, and reading with a side of loving on my family.
The sequel to yesterday's story begins the day after the phone counseling session with our daughter. I went about my usual school day with my other two, after just quickly mentioning to Terry that there may be a scholarship to check on just to see if we could get it the next year. I was NOT thinking that maybe if we could get it this year, she could go. He decided to check it out and made a phone call to ask a question or two. A few minutes later, the phone began to ring with news of scholarship after scholarship after forgotten funds. I had no time to process what was happening. Terry and I just looked at each other throughout the day, after talking on the phone with BJU people, and just shrugged. We were confused at what God seemed to be doing. He seemed to be taking it all out of our hands, and we just couldn't understand it. I remember actually saying, "Sweetie, what in the world?" I finally was able to pray a little prayer. I just said," God, I guess you have a reason for allowing all this to come about in the way that it has. Please, we want to make wise choices, and we thought You were directing us in the opposite direction." Terry, at one point, said that he thought that the Lord must be at work on our daughter. OK. So, I watched the clock, because I knew that Mikayla had to work in the snack shop right after school and would probably hit Facebook during a lull. Sure enough, she got online and posted a note. Not just a status. She gave testimony about how the Lord had really worked in her heart the night before and all that day, and though she felt hugely disappointed at not being able to go to college as she had meticulously planned out, she gave it over to Him, and even mentioned being thankful for many things, one of which was parents who were put there to make these kinds of hard decisions. I cried happy tears. And then fought back the sad tears. I wasn't very successful at that, but I think we were still answering emails, faxing paperwork, and talking on the phone, so I didn't really have the time to go bawl my eyes out. You see, I had begun to plan for another year with my daughter. I felt I had been given more time with her before she left me for good. I felt just a wee bit jipped, what with boarding school taking her away and all. So another year sounded great to me. She could work, take correspondence courses, learn to cook... Because, I knew that once they hit college, even though they come home now and then and for the summer, for the most part, they have begun to live independently of their parents. I just wasn't ready for this. God's plan did not jive with mine. My sweet husband and I spent some time in prayer and decided that the decision had been taken from us, and so we did what we have learned to do. We accepted these miraculous happenings as straight from God. This was God telling us to let her go. But we were still questioning why? We decided that we should talk right to Mikayla before reversing our decision, to see if our thoughts about the reason this all came about as it did, were indeed true. Why would He allow it to come about this way after we had made what we felt was a wise, prayed over, carefully considered decision, unless He was working on her? She had indeed tearfully given it over to Him. And so, we feel that He just wanted her to let her plans for her life go and let Him work His plan for her. When she did, the blessings flooded in, over and above all that we could ever ask or think. There's a scripture verse like that.
The story continues from this point, but this post is already massive. To be continued.
Speaking of VBS...
Our old parachute is still alive and well and a huge favorite with the kids. They ask for it at every event we have for them. I think it's older than me. :)
The stage was decorated with old west things and an old mine.
This game was an interesting spin on an old favorite...Tag.
Well, howdy there, Cowboy.
Miner Mike helped us find a nugget from scripture every night.
It rained candy every time the penny offering went over a set amount.
This game was called Balloon Ring Toss.
The storytellers had the kids come up and help by acting out the stories.
We had lots of fun games.
Mom told an exciting, continuing story every night.
The week of VBS was tiring, but well worth the hard work as we were able to lead three children to Christ. That's why we do what we do. We are praying that we will have opportunities to reach the families of these kids, as well.
Which brings us to this week just beginning. I purposely left off planning anything this week. I knew I would be exhausted. So, tomorrow we are taking Mikayla to the Wild's of New England and on the way back, Terry and I plan to celebrate our nineteenth anniversary. I insisted that we get away this year, because last year I didn't get my yearly lobster. Unacceptable!! haha. The other two Upcotts will spend some time with Grandma out at Madagasgal Pond, where we will join them and where I will not be pried away from for the rest of the week. I plan on a main course of swimming, laying in the hammock, and reading with a side of loving on my family.
The sequel to yesterday's story begins the day after the phone counseling session with our daughter. I went about my usual school day with my other two, after just quickly mentioning to Terry that there may be a scholarship to check on just to see if we could get it the next year. I was NOT thinking that maybe if we could get it this year, she could go. He decided to check it out and made a phone call to ask a question or two. A few minutes later, the phone began to ring with news of scholarship after scholarship after forgotten funds. I had no time to process what was happening. Terry and I just looked at each other throughout the day, after talking on the phone with BJU people, and just shrugged. We were confused at what God seemed to be doing. He seemed to be taking it all out of our hands, and we just couldn't understand it. I remember actually saying, "Sweetie, what in the world?" I finally was able to pray a little prayer. I just said," God, I guess you have a reason for allowing all this to come about in the way that it has. Please, we want to make wise choices, and we thought You were directing us in the opposite direction." Terry, at one point, said that he thought that the Lord must be at work on our daughter. OK. So, I watched the clock, because I knew that Mikayla had to work in the snack shop right after school and would probably hit Facebook during a lull. Sure enough, she got online and posted a note. Not just a status. She gave testimony about how the Lord had really worked in her heart the night before and all that day, and though she felt hugely disappointed at not being able to go to college as she had meticulously planned out, she gave it over to Him, and even mentioned being thankful for many things, one of which was parents who were put there to make these kinds of hard decisions. I cried happy tears. And then fought back the sad tears. I wasn't very successful at that, but I think we were still answering emails, faxing paperwork, and talking on the phone, so I didn't really have the time to go bawl my eyes out. You see, I had begun to plan for another year with my daughter. I felt I had been given more time with her before she left me for good. I felt just a wee bit jipped, what with boarding school taking her away and all. So another year sounded great to me. She could work, take correspondence courses, learn to cook... Because, I knew that once they hit college, even though they come home now and then and for the summer, for the most part, they have begun to live independently of their parents. I just wasn't ready for this. God's plan did not jive with mine. My sweet husband and I spent some time in prayer and decided that the decision had been taken from us, and so we did what we have learned to do. We accepted these miraculous happenings as straight from God. This was God telling us to let her go. But we were still questioning why? We decided that we should talk right to Mikayla before reversing our decision, to see if our thoughts about the reason this all came about as it did, were indeed true. Why would He allow it to come about this way after we had made what we felt was a wise, prayed over, carefully considered decision, unless He was working on her? She had indeed tearfully given it over to Him. And so, we feel that He just wanted her to let her plans for her life go and let Him work His plan for her. When she did, the blessings flooded in, over and above all that we could ever ask or think. There's a scripture verse like that.
The story continues from this point, but this post is already massive. To be continued.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
Our Summer Thus Far and The Story
Hello again. Look, I have time to breathe!
So, I figured I could take some time to update.
We started the summer out slowly. Lanie enjoyed the first day of summer and celebrated the end of school with a run through the sprinkler. Isn't her swim suit adorable!? My bargain of the summer after skulking the clearance racks at LLBean.
We spent a few weeks trying to get my teenagers some work. And Alana has spent some time at our beach forging new friendships with a couple of very sweet girls.
After putting in applications everywhere we could possibly think of , and then doing that all over again, plus going by and bugging managers, we were about to give up. Reminding our young people that the Lord has never left us without supplying our every need, and that we the Upcott family have decided that we will live our lives by trusting God, and as a last ditch effort, we put an ad in the paper for piano lessons and resorted to posting services on Facebook. Mikayla has one piano student that she has been teaching, and she became a Nanny to two children at Camp Wapiti, a sporting camp that my friend owns. Nate has mowed lawns, walked dogs, and painted interior rooms. Hooray for busy teens! Mikayla really needed the work so that she could pay for books at college, and work she did! She took care of kids, did camp dishes, made breakfasts and lunches for the kids, homeschooled them, cleaned cabins at the camp that the mom owns, painted, and...the list goes on. So, I think she earned her pay, and we are thankful for her abilities and for God's provision. She has finished her work there for now. She is headed to summer camp one last time as a camper as a late birthday present, then she has less than one week to pack, and then we head south for a much needed family vacation before we drop her at Bob Jones University to begin her freshman year of college. Then, it's back home to start Nate's sophomore year and Alana's sixth grade year. We have opted to homeschool again, with slight variations. Nate will be attending the local trade school for Building Trades while continuing his college prep academics at home. I will have more one on one time with Alana, who has made great strides but still needs some remedial work.
I've had a few people ask when I would post about our eldest attending college even after we had made the agonizing decision to keep her home. I still feel unable to put into words this whole experience. And it is still ongoing. Daily. But, here goes.
The story begins probably back two years ago. I have written before about how the Lord provided and opened doors for her to go to Dublin. I tried to hold the doors closed, I must admit. I was really, pretty freaked out. But, here we are on the other end of that experience, and although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless circumstances were similiar, we have come through relatively unscathed. We are Absolutely positively sure and certain that the Lord wanted her there, and since that is how we try to live our lives, that is what we did. Yes, we know that we are simple people. At least that is what we have been accused of. LOL. It's not really that simple, just saying...
Looking forward to college, I forgot so easily to trust. It seems I will never learn this lesson. I don't know why it is so hard for me to learn since I have a lesson in it seemingly every day. I can only claim that being a woman and wanting that stability is just how we women are made, but then, that doesn't let the rest of the Upcott clan off the hook. sigh. :) Literally praying over the decision of whether to hold her back or let her go all year long (possibly longer, I lose track. It's been in the back of my mind since....age five??? Since she decided to sneak into the closet where my phonics curriculum was stored and teach herself to read at age 3??? Can this child really be mine??? haha), we finally had a very tough phone conversation with her, telling her that we just could not possibly afford to send her to BJU this year, nor did we think she was mature enough to handle it, and we didn't feel that it would kill her to work to help pay for it. I'm rambling...
Terry had to call her back later after we felt she had had time to calm down. He counseled her, prayed with her, told her to leave it in God's hands. Reminded her that if He wanted her to go, He would make it possible. If He didn't, then it would be wrong of her to force it. By the end, she promised that she would pray about. We weren't sure that she was really ready to leave this decision up to God and us as her parents. UHH! It was hard! We went to bed and really didn't sleep well, praying for her...
Do you really want the whole story, cause this is getting long...?
To be continued...
So, I figured I could take some time to update.
We started the summer out slowly. Lanie enjoyed the first day of summer and celebrated the end of school with a run through the sprinkler. Isn't her swim suit adorable!? My bargain of the summer after skulking the clearance racks at LLBean.
We spent a few weeks trying to get my teenagers some work. And Alana has spent some time at our beach forging new friendships with a couple of very sweet girls.
After putting in applications everywhere we could possibly think of , and then doing that all over again, plus going by and bugging managers, we were about to give up. Reminding our young people that the Lord has never left us without supplying our every need, and that we the Upcott family have decided that we will live our lives by trusting God, and as a last ditch effort, we put an ad in the paper for piano lessons and resorted to posting services on Facebook. Mikayla has one piano student that she has been teaching, and she became a Nanny to two children at Camp Wapiti, a sporting camp that my friend owns. Nate has mowed lawns, walked dogs, and painted interior rooms. Hooray for busy teens! Mikayla really needed the work so that she could pay for books at college, and work she did! She took care of kids, did camp dishes, made breakfasts and lunches for the kids, homeschooled them, cleaned cabins at the camp that the mom owns, painted, and...the list goes on. So, I think she earned her pay, and we are thankful for her abilities and for God's provision. She has finished her work there for now. She is headed to summer camp one last time as a camper as a late birthday present, then she has less than one week to pack, and then we head south for a much needed family vacation before we drop her at Bob Jones University to begin her freshman year of college. Then, it's back home to start Nate's sophomore year and Alana's sixth grade year. We have opted to homeschool again, with slight variations. Nate will be attending the local trade school for Building Trades while continuing his college prep academics at home. I will have more one on one time with Alana, who has made great strides but still needs some remedial work.
I've had a few people ask when I would post about our eldest attending college even after we had made the agonizing decision to keep her home. I still feel unable to put into words this whole experience. And it is still ongoing. Daily. But, here goes.
The story begins probably back two years ago. I have written before about how the Lord provided and opened doors for her to go to Dublin. I tried to hold the doors closed, I must admit. I was really, pretty freaked out. But, here we are on the other end of that experience, and although I wouldn't recommend it to anyone unless circumstances were similiar, we have come through relatively unscathed. We are Absolutely positively sure and certain that the Lord wanted her there, and since that is how we try to live our lives, that is what we did. Yes, we know that we are simple people. At least that is what we have been accused of. LOL. It's not really that simple, just saying...
Looking forward to college, I forgot so easily to trust. It seems I will never learn this lesson. I don't know why it is so hard for me to learn since I have a lesson in it seemingly every day. I can only claim that being a woman and wanting that stability is just how we women are made, but then, that doesn't let the rest of the Upcott clan off the hook. sigh. :) Literally praying over the decision of whether to hold her back or let her go all year long (possibly longer, I lose track. It's been in the back of my mind since....age five??? Since she decided to sneak into the closet where my phonics curriculum was stored and teach herself to read at age 3??? Can this child really be mine??? haha), we finally had a very tough phone conversation with her, telling her that we just could not possibly afford to send her to BJU this year, nor did we think she was mature enough to handle it, and we didn't feel that it would kill her to work to help pay for it. I'm rambling...
Terry had to call her back later after we felt she had had time to calm down. He counseled her, prayed with her, told her to leave it in God's hands. Reminded her that if He wanted her to go, He would make it possible. If He didn't, then it would be wrong of her to force it. By the end, she promised that she would pray about. We weren't sure that she was really ready to leave this decision up to God and us as her parents. UHH! It was hard! We went to bed and really didn't sleep well, praying for her...
Do you really want the whole story, cause this is getting long...?
To be continued...
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