As I sit here typing, suitcases, boxes, bins, and bedding surrounds me, ready to be packed into the car for our trip south. Bob Jones University awaits. God has a plan to continue. I've been told not to cry. Even though I understand the embarrassment and angst of the person who asked this of me, it's almost laughable. My answer was, "Moms cry. I wouldn't be normal if I didn't. Be prepared to see me cry before, during, and after this milestone. Because, after all, I cried during almost every other milestone in your life, like learning to walk, so of course I will cry during this much more momentous occasion." Before having children, I never would have thought that I would be such an emotional Mother. It's all good, though.
So, we've taught learning to walk and run. We've taught reading, riting, and 'rithmetic. We've taught life skills (although, I think I failed at teaching cooking. sigh.), We've taught independence. We've tried to teach faith, trust, and dependence on God. We've taught her to use her gifts in His service, and many other things too numerous to list. All of this while pleading with God to fill in the gaps left by our humanness. Yes, I know that I'm really not completely done teaching her. But this is a transition to adulthood. So now it's time to give flying lessons. She has had a few lessons in this, as you know. Out of the nest she goes. Praise God for His work in our family's lives! And please pray for Mikayla as she tries out her new wings.
:) Awww. Though we're on kinda' different places in the parenting time-line, I think I can relate, Jen . . .