Saturday, January 5, 2008

Girlie Girl Day

Yesterday ,I went and got a haircut, finally, after putting it off for way to long. My hairdresser actually tried to scold me. " You know, Jen, when you have a short haircut you really need to come in ,like, once a month or it won't cooperate when you finally do get it cut." Yes, I realize that, but there is always something else that seems more important. "Well, you should do things for yourself sometimes." Yes, true, but I have three kids. "OOOOHH!"
'Nough said!
Anyway, when I got home, Mikayla said, "Mama, I've wanted my hair cut for months now." Who knew? So I made another appointment and back we went to the same shop. The huge grin and sparlking brown eyes were worth the fifteen bucks and the strange looks for being back again the same day! Back home from that little jaunt and Lanie was crying. "What's wrong, Honey?" "Mama, I need a haircut, tooooo!" I looked at my Hubby and he said that she would have to wait until next payday. I said something like good because I can't imagine the looks for coming back a third time in one day. More tears from big brown eyes pushed me over the top. So, I gathered up my courage, went and bought some scissors, and cut it myself. Now I have always been in awe of mothers who dared to cut their kids hair, and I have always avoided it like the plague. Unless you count the time I sat Nathanael down and buzzed him mostly bald, or the times that I have trimmed bangs. Not the same! It took hours of going around and around trying to get it even. I would think that it was just about done only to find that one side was longer than the other. So around I would have to go again. But the finished product looks pretty good. I cringe at the thought of any hairdresser taking a good look, though.
Last night while spending some quiet time with the kids before bed, Lanie said, "Today was kind of a girlie girl day, wasn't it ,Mama?" I said yes. Then she sighed this gigantic sigh and said "Poor Nathanael, He didn't get to have his hair cut." I told her that boys don't usually care about things like that, plus the fact that he got to target practice with Papa, and she was fine. Then today while I was posting this, Nathanael was looking over my shoulder and said with a knowing smirk and bit of eye rolling, " It really is ok, Mom, I know you women need your girlie times." OH, Brother !
Well, I have this really cute video of the girls showing off their new hairdos, but I can't seem to get it uploaded. I'll try again later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jen! Your blog is very cute--I very much enjoyed hearing about your "Girlie Girl Day," and hope to have a few of my own someday. Thanks for leaving your link with us!
