Thursday, December 27, 2007

Famous Kids? Well, sort of.

I just saw a great picture of my kids on Lee Rand's Lincoln, Maine website. I knew that he had taken the photo and posted it as a "photo of the day". I didn't know that he used it as a more permanent thing. You can see this wicked cute picture if you go to my links and find Lee Rand's Lincoln, Maine. Then click on "Our Area" , then "Business and Industry". Our kids where selling cold drinks on a hot day hoping to save money for summer camp. I think I'll have to ask him for a copy.

1 comment:

  1. Just wanted to say hi. I found you through the list of interests. In noticed you have iceskating as well as other things similar to mine so I figured I'd better go check it out.

    I LOVE your daughters furry purple coat!

